Make adventure your life!
Becoming a PADI Pro
Divemaster Internships and GoPro Cozumel are departments of Cozumel Dive School.

Have you considered tossing off the shackles of everyday life and becoming a dive professional? If you said yes, then you are in the right place! Welcome to the professional teaching path of Cozumel Dive School: Divemaster & Instructor-dedicated programs.
What could be better than a life of warm tropical seas, cool ocean breezes, and getting paid for what you love? It doesn't matter if you are looking to earn enough to pay for your hobby so you can dive all you want or you have ambitions of turning your love of the ocean into a full-time career. What matters is that you learn from the best so you can combine your passion for diving with the proper leadership and education to safely lead others.
The benefits of becoming a diving professional are undeniable, but as a professional leader in diving, you also take on a lot of responsibility for the safety and well-being of the students or divers in your charge. For that reason, the industry will verify your skills, knowledge and experience before turning you loose as a divemaster or instructor. So, if you're thinking about taking the plunge, here are some pro tips to help you get started.


Deepen Your Learning
Check out the course progression of professional diving. The sky — no wait, the ocean is your limit! How far do you want to take your education? Click on the image below to enlarge.

Show, Don't Tell
A picture is worth a thousand words they say so here are some inspiring images to help you get a feel for the professional diving life. Be sure to follow Cozumel Dive School on social media to get a constant feed of what we love best: DIVING! The smiles on our students' faces should convey our passion and quality, but check out our online reviews to hear why people love learning with us in Cozumel.